How to Uninstall Rikvr Software?

We're sorry to see you go! If you need to uninstall Rikvr, please follow the steps below for your specific operating system.

Uninstalling Rikvr on Windows

  1. Open the Start Menu: Click on the Start button (usually located at the bottom left corner of your screen).
  2. Go to Settings: Select the gear icon to open the Settings menu.
  3. Navigate to Apps: In the Settings menu, click on "Apps" to open the list of installed applications.
  4. Find Rikvr: Scroll through the list or use the search bar to locate "Rikvr."
  5. Select and Uninstall:
    • Click on "Rikvr" to highlight it.
    • Click the "Uninstall" button.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstallation process.

Uninstalling Rikvr on macOS

  1. Open Finder: Click on the Finder icon in your Dock to open a Finder window.
  2. Go to Applications: In the Finder sidebar, click on "Applications."
  3. Find Rikvr: Scroll through the Applications folder to locate the Rikvr app.
  4. Move to Trash:
    • Drag the Rikvr app icon to the Trash in your Dock.
    • Alternatively, right-click (or Control-click) on the Rikvr app and select "Move to Trash."
  5. Empty Trash:
    • Right-click (or Control-click) the Trash icon in your Dock.
    • Select "Empty Trash" to permanently remove Rikvr from your system.